Bouquet of different color gerberas
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Different color gerberas
The size of the arrangement shown in the picture is approximate.
Bright gerberas have a magical appeal. One of the meanings of this mysterious flower is the secrecy. A bouquet with the addition of delicate gerberas will tell about passionate feelings in the best way. According to an ancient legend a beautiful nymph turned into a gerbera, having tired of the insistent attention of admirers. Having presented the bouquet of colorful flowers, you will give your beloved a hint to its uniqueness. The gerberas are ideal for a bouquet for the man celebration. A floral gift can be presented to close friends, relatives, colleagues. Floristry experts point out that bright sunshiny gerberas gruntle and open the doors for success and happiness.
An interesting fact: the more components in the composition, the cheaper the cost of 1 (one) component. For example, when ordering a bouquet of "101 roses" and "35 roses", the cost of one rose in the first case is less.