Bouquet of different color alstroemerias
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Different color alstroemerias
The size of the arrangement shown in the picture is approximate.
Alstroemeria, the Peruvian or South American lily, is an incredibly tender and exuberant flower. Its peculiarity is the absence of any fragrance, it seems unbelievable, but the nature made it so. Barely visible fibers on velvety petals of the plant give a special splendor to the flowers. A harmonious combination of white, pink and red alstroemerias in one bouquet will be perfect for a gift to a fay and sophisticated woman, who will worthily appreciate the delicacy and elegance of this extraordinary flower, pleasing a tremulous soul. A bunch of alstroemerias quite a long time keeps its picturesque appearance and draws the eye.
An interesting fact: the more components in the composition, the cheaper the cost of 1 (one) component. For example, when ordering a bouquet of "101 roses" and "35 roses", the cost of one rose in the first case is less.