Bouquet of roses and gerberas decorated verdure
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Wonderful evening
The size of the arrangement shown in the picture is approximate.
An original bouquet looks elegant and festive. The composition is made of roses, gerberas and decorative greenery. The florists have done a great job, the composition has turned out lovely and stylish: it can be given for any celebration: the birthday, March, 8th. On the other hand, the abundance of greenery adds the bouquet some freshness and sincerity: a excellent option for a romantic rendezvous with a special lady. The roses and gerberas are all-purpose flowers, the bouquet of them can be presented not only to ladies, but also to the representatives of a strong half of humanity, for example, for an anniversary or as a congratulation about any achievement in life.
An interesting fact: the more components in the composition, the cheaper the cost of 1 (one) component. For example, when ordering a bouquet of "101 roses" and "35 roses", the cost of one rose in the first case is less.