Bouquet of roses and alstroemerias
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The size of the arrangement shown in the picture is approximate.
A perfect bouquet for a young girl, a cheerful and creative nature, with grandiose plans for life. A bouquet of two kinds of flowers: delicate pink roses and pretty white alstroemerias. The alstroemeria is an exotic flower, also called the ''Lily of the Incas''. It is believed that it expresses synchronously a feminine strength and weakness. In the combination with fresh rose buds, it looks amazing. The composition is decorated with the leaves of arachniodes, making it harmonious and transfusing a romantic mood superbly. A girlfriend, sister, classmate or colleague: all of them deserve such a gift from you.
An interesting fact: the more components in the composition, the cheaper the cost of 1 (one) component. For example, when ordering a bouquet of "101 roses" and "35 roses", the cost of one rose in the first case is less.