Bouquet of lilies, gerberas and carnations
The size of the arrangement shown in the picture is approximate.
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Bouquet of lilies, gerberas and carnations
The size of the arrangement shown in the picture is approximate.
An extraordinary bouquet, which the florists “played” not only with plants, but also with their shades in. The composition is built in such a way that the flowers of darker shades are placed at the bottom. And on the top the snow white lilies are. Like a snow on the mountaintops, at the foot of which there is a riot of greenery, and on the top there is only crystal, virgin beauty. The bouquet will surely be enjoyed by outstanding, creative natures. In the original composition, each person will see something different. It can be presented on a celebration, for example, a wedding anniversary or as an expression of sincere feelings to a ladylove.
An interesting fact: the more components in the composition, the cheaper the cost of 1 (one) component. For example, when ordering a bouquet of "101 roses" and "35 roses", the cost of one rose in the first case is less.