Bouquet of white roses (80 cm.)
In Europe and America, it is accepted to present even amount of flowers, generally the amount, which is multiple of 12 (dozen). In the countries of the former USSR uneven number is accepted, and quantity is chosen depending on desire and opportunity.
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Bouquet of white roses (80 cm.)
In Europe and America, it is accepted to present even amount of flowers, generally the amount, which is multiple of 12 (dozen). In the countries of the former USSR uneven number is accepted, and quantity is chosen depending on desire and opportunity.
A bouquet of white roses is the gift of an incredible beauty, which the closest and favorite people are worthy of. The white rose is one of the basic wedding symbols. It is believed that the only flower that grew in the Garden of Eden, the rose was exactly. And when God banished Adam and Eve from the paradise, on the white rose the thorns grew up. But Eve nevertheless took the rose along. May be that is why, there are no women on earth, who would not have been in love with these perfect flowers, is not that? Their auroral beauty is solemn and in equal measure gentle. Appositely, if you would like your lady to say: ''It was the most beautiful bouquet in my life, and I will never forget it!'', we could increase the number of flowers in the bouquet.
An interesting fact: the more components in the composition, the cheaper the cost of 1 (one) component. For example, when ordering a bouquet of "101 roses" and "35 roses", the cost of one rose in the first case is less.