Bouquet of red roses (80 cm.)
In Europe and America, it is accepted to present even amount of flowers, generally the amount, which is multiple of 12 (dozen). In the countries of the former USSR uneven number is accepted, and quantity is chosen depending on desire and opportunity.
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Bouquet of red roses (80 cm.)
In Europe and America, it is accepted to present even amount of flowers, generally the amount, which is multiple of 12 (dozen). In the countries of the former USSR uneven number is accepted, and quantity is chosen depending on desire and opportunity.
A perfect composition, immaculately decorated with ideally beautiful roses. Such a gift can given to a honorable person, to a chief, business partner. Or to an adult lady, grandmother, mother or girlfriend — on any occasion. The roses of a red color are the most frequently associated with love and passion. But, styled like this, severely and solemnly, they express an excellent sign of favour. By the way, in many nations, to give roses to ordinary people was forbidden under penalty of death, and they were served up only to the royal personas. Having presented this bouquet, you, beyond peradventure, express your admiration and dutiful affection
An interesting fact: the more components in the composition, the cheaper the cost of 1 (one) component. For example, when ordering a bouquet of "101 roses" and "35 roses", the cost of one rose in the first case is less.